

格温内斯仁慈学院高中 seeks to employ those who will continue to maintain the Christian environment and tradition of academic excellence begun in Philadelphia in 1861. 为了保持对社会正义的承诺的仁慈的魅力, the Academy attempts to provide conditions of employment that will contribute to both the individual development of the employee and corporate growth of the institution.

格温内斯慈善学院支持并致力于平等就业机会. 我们的政策是在任何任期内提供平等的机会, 雇用所有雇员和申请人的条件或特权. 任何人都不会因种族而受到歧视, 宗教, color, 性, 年龄民族, 残疾或军人身份.



Applicants to 格温内斯仁慈学院高中 are applying to a Mission-driven school deeply steeped in the traditions of the Academy and teachings of the 仁爱修女会.


植根于天主教信仰和仁慈的神恩, Gwynedd Mercy Academy高中提供教育, 激发, 让年轻女性在精神上变得仁慈, 思想创新, 有领导的勇气.


Our school is deeply steeped in tradition and interested applicants will be expected to engage and participate in all school traditions including but not limited to: Mercy Day, CK5K, 烛光, 环质量, 乔治•瓦伦丁, 对毕业班的礼拜仪式 & 毕业.


慈悲修女会是出于对穷人的深切关怀而成立的. 今天, 这一承诺集中在五个“关键问题”上, 移民, 非暴力, 种族歧视 & 女性. 作为一个社区,我们在课程中解决关键问题, through prayer; attention to personal, communal and institutional choices; education; advocacy with legislators and other government leaders; and corporate engagement.


•积极的道德和天主教价值观是个人成长的基础, 社会责任和全球竞争力.
•格温内德的基础是建立在同情的核心价值观上, 正义, 服务, 尊重所有人的尊严. These values are the charism of 凯瑟琳McAuley, the foundress of the 仁爱修女会.

• Through ongoing 服务, the Gwynedd community fosters respect for the dignity of all persons.
•学生变得有能力, 富有同情心的女人在充实, 由积极的榜样培养的平衡的环境.
•教师, 与家长合作, 激励和挑战每一个年轻女性实现她的最大潜力.

• Participation in 仁慈的教育 spans six countries and offers a global perspective to our students.
•Gwynedd开发和培养了整个人:智力, 精神上, 在道德上, 身体上的, 在情感上, 和社会.
• Educators inspire a fundamental love of life-long learning that requires reflection and action.

• Each student succeeds in a supportive environment that encourages development of her distinct abilities, 人才, 和利益.
• Gwynedd 女性 are educated, inspired, and empowered by Mercy to effect change for the greater good.
•通过慈悲姐妹会的全球网络, Gwynedd 女校友 advance Mercy charism and offer opportunities for mentoring and paths to success in careers for all 女性.